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Instant Cartridge Filter Cleaner
Instant Cartridge Filter Cleaner
Price $18.99


Filters can last twice as long if properly cleaned every few weeks. Hosing down your filter removes large debris but is not enough for hot water environments. Filter Cleaner breaks down the non-visible grime and oils that collect on a spa filter, providing improved water pressure on your jets, without affecting your water’s chemistry. To use, remove and clean your filter, spray on Cartridge Cleaner, wait at least 5 minutes, rinse filter and reinstall. It is recommended that every couple of months you soak your cartridge in ThermoSpas Filter Clean solution to extend the life of your filter.

Rinse filter cartridge thoroughly to remove any loose matter or debris. While wet, spray Instant Cartridge Filter Cleaner on total surface area and allow filter to set for 3-5 minutes. Rinse filter thoroughly and reinstall in filter system.

Note: It is recommended that 4-6 times a year that you soak the filter cartridge in a solution of ThermoSpas Filter Cleaner for 24 hours.